Qoob loo ntau lawm

Yuav ua li cas cog thiab loj hlob Floribunda Roses

Floribunda Roses yog noble, abundantly flowering nroj tsuag, qhov kev zoo nkauj ntawm uas tsis tau qhia kev piav qhia. Qhov no ntau yam yog tau los ntawm hla hybrid-polyanthous, nutmeg thiab hybrid tshuaj yej ntau yam. Rau thawj lub sij hawm, Svend Poulsen coj li no txheej txheem nyob rau hauv 1924, thiab tom qab, lwm yam ntawm vaj Roses tau ntxiv rau lub Cross. Thiab nyob rau hauv 1952, tshiab ntau yam raug hu ua "Floribunda".

Txheeb raws roj ntsha ntawm Floribunda Rose

Qhov no ntau yam yog ib tug slender, erect nroj tsuag nrog ib qhov siab ntawm 120 cm, tej zaum me ntsis sprawling.

Lub paj ntawm no ntau yam zoo li hybrid tshuaj yej Roses, tab sis me ntsis loj me me. Tab sis cov duab tuaj yeem ua tau ntau yam: tiaj tus, goblet thiab nyob rau hauv daim ntawv ntawm ib lub tais.

Koj puas paub? Hauv tebchaws Is Nrias teb, Roses tau txais kev qhuas tshwj xeeb. Muaj ib txoj cai lij choj hais tias txhua tus neeg uas coj no paj tuaj rau vajntxwv nug nws txog txhua yam.

Floribunda blooms ntev thiab abundantly (txog li 10 paj). Lawv yuav ua tau yooj yim, nrog ci nplooj, thiab npau taws.

Floribunda Rose yog tsis nyuaj loj hlob, yog tsis ntshai Frost, tab sis yog hais tias nws txawm ua puas tsuaj rau cov nroj tsuag, nws yuav zoo dua sai dua lwm hom. Muab piv nrog hybrid tshuaj yej ntau yam, Floribunda yog resistant mus rau ntau cov kab mob, rau uas nws tau txais ib co khoom plig. Qhov qhab nias no yog siv los ua ib qho chaw ntawm qhov chaw thiab muab txiav. Gardeners txaus siab rau Floribund rau:

  • "nws tus kheej tu" - lub paj poob rau lawv tus kheej tom qab flowering;
  • ntau ntau qhov ntau thiab tsawg;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • ntau yam ntau yam;
  • Frost tsis kam;
  • lub sij hawm los mus loj hlob ob qho tib si nyob rau hauv pots thiab nyob rau hauv vaj kev paths.
Tsis tas li ntawd, Floribunda blooms yuav luag tag nrho lub caij, zoo siab nrog ci paj ntawm ntau ntxoov thiab exuding ib tug ntxiag aroma.

Nrov ntau yam

Floribunda Roses muaj ntau ntau yam thiab thaum xaiv ib qho kev xaiv rau lawv qhov chaw, ntau gardeners yog poob. Peb piav qhia cov neeg nrov tshaj plaws xwb:

  1. Carte Blanche. Siab (txog li ib Meter) bushes yog txawv los ntawm tuab zoo nkauj foliage. Paj - medium-qhov loj, Terry, dawb huv dawb. Carte Blanche blooms profusely los ntawm lub caij ntuj sov rau lub caij nplooj zeeg thiab tsuas yog Qee zaum yuav raug rau fungal kab mob.
  2. Galaxy Tsawg (70-80 cm) bushes Bloom nyob rau hauv medium-qhov loj qhov me paj thoob plaws hauv lub caij. Cov xim ntawm cov paj yog pastel-daj, nrog ib tug reddish edging raws npoo. Tag nrho cov kev zoo nkauj ntawm lub paj yuav pom tsuas yog tom qab tag nrho blooming ntawm Bud, uas exudes thawj fragrance ntawm flaxseed roj.
  3. Blyuvender. Nws yog ib tug sprawling Bush, mus txog rau 60 cm siab. Lub stems yog them nrog ci nplooj ntawm tsaus ntsuab tsos nqaij daim tawv. Inflorescences muaj xws li medium-qhov loj me liab thiab ntses liab ntses Terry paj. Qhov no ntau yam yog cog nyob rau hauv lub foreground. Blyuvender tiv taus rau qee cov kab mob thiab yog cim los ntawm ntau qhov khoom plig.
  4. Blue Bazu. Differs thawj heev paj. Nyob rau hauv stems ntau ntawm kev sib tw bluish-lilac buds raug tsim. Qhov ntau yam yog susceptible rau cua humidity, kub hloov thiab tsis tiv thaiv mus rau ntau cov kab mob. Txawv txawv paj ua nws nrov nrog Blue Bage.
  5. Niccolo Paganini Cov nplooj ntawm cov qib no muaj zog, zoo nkauj. Inflorescences - loj nrog maub liab classic roses. Nws muaj nuj nqis rau nws cov kab mob siab tsis kam thiab feem ntau yog siv rau qhov chaw zoo nkauj thiab ua pob.
  6. Frisia. Bushes - ntom, compact, nyob rau hauv qhov siab mus rau 70 cm Blossoms fragrant ci daj ob npaug paj. Ib tug yam ntxwv feature - lub paj tsis ploj txawm nyob rau hauv lub hnub. Nws blooms heev thawj ntawm tsev neeg ntawm Roses thiab pleases lub qhov muag kom txog thaum lub Frost.
  7. Lilly Marlene. Nws yog cog hauv greenhouses yuav luag thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb. Tsawg bushes - txog li 70 cm, them nrog ntsuab greenish foliage nrog bronze tint. Lub paj yog medium-qhov loj, fiery-liab, nrog ib lub teeb aroma thiab me ntsis terry.
  8. Sangria. Tshiab ntau yam, uas yog tsiag ntawv los ntawm txawv txawv ci crimson bunk paj. Cov qos yaj ywm sab nraud yog 6 cm ntawm lub taub, cov qis tshaj plaws yog cov ntsej muag, sib dhos, thiab 3 cm ntawm lub taub. Qhov no Rose yog suab tsis raug rau cov kab mob thiab muaj peev xwm loj hlob nyob rau hauv tej yam kev mob.
  9. Stromboli. Ib txoj si nraim ncaj nraim, 70-80 cm siab, nws yog xim ntsuab ntawm nplooj ntsuab thiab ci ci ob npaug xim ntsuab Terry paj. Nyob rau hauv lub inflorescences tau sau 3-10 buds, txhua ntawm uas tau grooved, velvety petals. Aroma - tsis muaj zog.
Koj puas paub? Tsis ntev dhau los, undersized Roses nrog me me paj twb bred - Patio. Rau tej yam me me mas lawv muaj nplooj loj thiab paj, thiab, ntau zaus, lawv muab cais ua Floribund.

Luam: cog thiab rooting cuttings

Koj muaj peev xwm propagate lub Roses by grafting los yog txiav. Txawm li cas los, qhov zoo tshaj plaws txoj kev rau Floribunda yog luam tawm los ntawm cuttings.

Lwm cov paj nyob rau hauv lub vaj teb yog propagated by cuttings: plumeria, brugmansia, chrysanthemum, clematis.

Cherenkovat xav tau nyob rau hauv lub sij hawm thaum tus tua ua txhav. Ua li no, txiav qhov 8-centimeter cuttings, thiab nws yuav tsum nco ntsoov tias qhov kev txiav tawm ntawm to top yuav tsum ncaj, thiab hauv qab - ntawm ib kaum ntawm 45 degrees.

Lub qhov rau ntawm lub yub yuav tsum yog 15 cm nyob rau hauv lub cheeb, thiab qhov deb ntawm lub qhov - 20-30 cm Nyob rau hauv ib tes, lub recess yuav tsum ntsug, vim tsuas yog nyob rau hauv no cov ntaub ntawv tus nroj tsuag yuav tig tawm slender thiab erect. Lub txiav yog ib nrab muab tso rau hauv hauv av thiab them nrog ntawv ci. Mus txog thaum lub cuttings noj paus, lawv yuav tsum tau muab cov dej tsis tu ncua, loosened hauv av, pub thiab "muab ua pa" (tshem tawm cov movie). Rau lub caij ntuj no, lub cuttings yog them.

Nws tseem ceeb heev! Thawj buds yuav tsum tau txiav tawm - lawv tiv thaiv lub hauv paus system los ntawm kev tsim.
Cog rau hauv ib qho chaw ruaj khov yuav nyob rau hauv 3 xyoos.

Floribunda Rose cog: Npaj Pits thiab Av rau Cov Yub cog

Hom no nyiam nplua nuj rau hauv cov teeb meem hauv cov organic, cov dej-av zoo. Xwb nrog ib tug txaus tus nqi ntawm pob zeb hauv av Cheebtsam, Floribunda Roses tsim ntau dua nroj tsuag thiab teem ntau ntau generative buds.

Yeej, Floribunda - unpretentious ntau yam uas sai sai yuav siv paus. Txoj cai loj: qhov chaw txhaj tshuaj yuav tsum muab faus 3 cm rau hauv av.

Ua ntej transplanting Floribunda, nws yog ib qhov tsim nyog los npaj cov av. Ua li no, siv ib lub thoob ntawm xuab zeb, peat thiab humus thiab ntxiv 0.5 thoob ntawm nplua av, ib co superphosphate chiv thiab pob txha noj mov. Tag nrho cov no yog poured rau hauv ib tug aub tsiv npaj rau cog. Tom qab cog, nws yog ib qhov tsim nyog los dej hauv av zoo thiab npog cov av nrog sawdust kom khaws noo noo. Thaum cog cov Roses, koj yuav tsum tau cia kom nyob deb li cas. Txwv tsis pub, tus naj npawb ntawm cov paj ntawm txhua bush yuav txo thiab tej zaum ntawm kev loj hlob ntawm fungal kab mob yuav nce.

Txij li thaum no ntau yam nyiam lub hnub thiab cua, lub tshav tsaws yuav tsum yog tshav ntuj thiab kev tiv thaiv los ntawm cov cua txias. Qhov zoo tshaj plaws lub sij hawm cog yog caij nplooj ntoos hlav.

Nta ntawm Floribunda Roses Care

Txhua yam paub Floribunda Rose ntau yam yuav tsum zoo teeb pom kev zoo, thiab qhov no yuav tsum tau muab rau hauv tus account thaum cog thiab tu rau lawv.

Yuav ua li cas kom coj dej

Ib tug loj npaum li cas ntawm ntsuab ua rau ib tug muaj zog evaporation ntawm noo noo, thiab vim li ntawd - poob dej. Yog li ntawd, cov av ib ncig ntawm lub Bush yog ntshaw mus mulch. Qhov no yuav tsis tsuas yog khaws cia noo noo, tab sis kuj nres qhov kev loj hlob ntawm weeds.

Nws yog tsim nyog rau cov dej Floribund tsis tu ncua, raws li cov av dries tawm. Nyob rau tib lub sij hawm, nws yog ib qhov tsim nyog los xyuas kom meej tias lub substrate yog tsis tshaj-humidified.

Nws tseem ceeb heev! Peb tsis tuaj yeem cia cov dej ntub dej thiab dej ntawm lub paj thiab cov paj.

Yuav ua li cas coj tus hnav khaub ncaws

Qhov no ntau yam yuav tsum tau pub ntau zaus thaum lub caij no. Thawj lub sij hawm fertilizer thov nyob rau hauv lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav. Tom ntej pub yog nqa tawm thaum lub sij hawm flowering thiab txhua txhua 2-3 lub lis piam, kom txog thaum lub Rose tsis Bloom.

Yuav ua li cas rau prune

Yuav luag tag nrho cov hom roses yuav tsum tau pruning. Thiab Floribunda yog tsis muaj kev zam. Ib txhia ntawm nws ntau yam yuav tsum tau txiav tawm zog, thaum lwm tus neeg yuav ncaj yooj yim thiab txawm qaug zog haircuts.

Ua tsaug rau pruning xws li cov ntsiab lus zoo yog tiav:

  • tshiab tsob nroj;
  • lub Bush yog muab ib tug zoo nkauj duab;
  • tawg ntev heev;
  • qee cov kab mob raug tiv thaiv;
  • tus naj npawb ntawm buds nce.
Thawj, lub ntsiab pruning ntawm Floribunda Roses yog ua nyob rau hauv lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav, sai li sai tau thawj nplooj yog blooming. On lub muaj zog tshaj tua, 2-4 active buds yog sab laug, tawm 10-20 cm ntev tua. Thaum caij nplooj ntoos hlav pruned, tua uas ntau tshaj li ob xyoos yuav tsum tau txiav.

Yog hais tias tus tua yog tsis muaj zog, lawv tawm xwb 1-2 noj qab haus huv buds.

Nws tseem ceeb heev! Nrog ib tug muaj zog pruning Roses Bloom nyob rau hauv Lub Xya hli ntuj-Lub yim hli ntuj, nrog ib tug qaug zog - nyob rau hauv May-Lub rau hli ntuj.
Qhov zoo tshaj plaws yog suav hais tias pruning, nyob rau hauv uas ceg nyob twj ywm 4-7 huv buds. Lub caij ntuj sov pruning pab kom prolong flowering.

Yuav ua li cas los npog rau lub caij ntuj no

Nyob rau hauv kev txiav txim rau Floribunda tsis raug kev txom nyem los ntawm Frost, nws yuav tsum tau muab vaj tse rau lub caij ntuj no. Ua li no, ua cov hauv qab no:

  • pruned tag nrho cov nplooj thiab inflorescences;
  • pruning bushes mus txog 40-50 cm;
  • mus rau ib qhov siab ntawm 30 cm lawv spud lub ntiaj teb;
  • duav nrog tej yam ntuj tso khoom: ntoo nplooj, ntoo ceg ntoo;
  • los ntawm saum toj no npog nrog nonwoven ntaub.
Yog hais tias lub caij ntuj no yog snowy, lub bushes on to top yuav them nrog snow thiab lawv yuav tsis ntshai ntawm tej frosts. Sai li thaum huab cua sov teev nyob rau hauv, lub vaj tse yuav tsum tau muab tshem tawm, txwv tsis pub lub bushes tej zaum yuav rot thiab rot.
Koj puas paub? Niaj hnub no muaj txog 25 txhiab ntau yam ntawm Roses thiab 30 pawg pawg.

Tiv thaiv kev kho mob thiab kev kho mob ntawm cov kab mob

Feem ntau cov feem ntau, lub "qub" Floribunda ntau yam txom nyem los ntawm fungal kab mob. Cov tsiaj tshiab yog 50-70% ntau dua rau powdery mildew thiab xeb. Ntawm cov hoob kawm, cov nroj tsuag muaj mob yuav tsum tau txheeb xyuas thiab kho nyob rau hauv ib lub sijhawm. Txawm tias zoo dua - los mus tiv thaiv.

Qhov simplest tshaj plaws ib tug gardener yuav ua tau yog ib tug decoction ntawm qej, haus luam yeeb, los yog dos, uas yuav tsum tau mus sprayed nrog bushes.

Koj tuaj yeem tuav roses thiab tshuaj. Nqa tawm no tus txheej txheem nyob rau hauv thaum sawv ntxov, tom qab dew tau nqis los ntawm nplooj. Nyob rau hauv thaum yav tsaus ntuj, koj muaj peev xwm tseem tshuaj tsuag, tsuas yog nyob rau hauv cov nroj tsuag yuav tsum tsis txhob noo noo. Ua ntej ua rau cov nroj tsuag yog watered abundantly.

Mob hle lub me me yuav tsum tau txiav, mus rau sau nplooj poob, weeds loj hlob nyob ze thiab hlawv txhua yam.

Ua ntej lub caij ntuj no npaj, nws yog pom zoo kom siv los kho Roses nrog ib tug 3% daws ntawm ferrous sulfate, thiab nyob rau hauv thaum ntxov caij nplooj ntoos hlav - tshuaj tsuag nws nrog tooj liab oxychloride daws. Tsis tas li ntawd, nws yog ib qhov tsim nyog los kho cov secateurs nrog ib tug tshuaj tua kab mob ua ntej pruning.

Compatibility nrog lwm yam nroj tsuag

Vim nws txoj hauj lwm zoo, Floribunda yog ib qho zoo heev. Cov Roses zoo li tapeworms nyob rau hauv flowerbeds, nrog lawv koj muaj peev xwm ua kom compositions thiab nteg cov yeeb yuj me ntsis hauv paj txaj.

Koj puas paub? Yog hais tias koj cog paj yeeb, nasturtium, calendula los yog marigold tom ntej mus rau Roses, koj muaj peev xwm ua kom txhob muaj cov aphids thiab zuam. Qej loj hlob nyob ze Floribunda yuav tiv thaiv cov kab mob fungal.

Nrog rau kev saib xyuas ntawm Floribunda Roses thiab cog tshuab, los ntawm thaum pib ntawm lub caij ntuj sov kom txog thaum heev Autumn koj muaj peev xwm qhuas lub xim zoo nkauj thiab ci.