Qeb Ntses

Dub apricot: cog thiab tu rau "Kuban dub"
Qoob loo cog thiab tu

Dub apricot: cog thiab tu rau "Kuban dub"

Ob beginners thiab ntau dua kev paub gardeners muaj lub siab xav kom loj hlob ib yam dab tsi txawv tshaj plaw hauv lawv lub vaj. Qhov no yuav suav tau tias yog ib tug dub apricot, uas tau txais nws lub npe vim qhov txawv xim ntawm cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo. "Kuban dub", koj yuav tsum tau kawm nws cov lus piav qhia kom to taub tias dab tsi tsim nyog yuav tsum tau txhim kho rau qhov no qoob loo, yuav ua li cas kom tu thiab ua li cas rau fertilize.

Nyeem Ntxiv

Yuav ua li cas yog savory: composition thiab kho thaj chaw ntawm ib tug nroj tsuag?

Lub savory yog vaj, lub savory yog fragrant, taum nyom yog ib xyoo twg 20-60 cm siab, ib hom ntawm savory, teej tug mus rau yasnotk tsev neeg. Faib nyob rau hauv Crimea, Qaib Cov Txwv, Central Asia, hlob on qhuav rocky slopes, pob zeb. Cov tshuaj muaj pes tsawg leeg muaj xws li carvacrol, uas txav cov membrane ntawm staphylococcus, cymol, borneol, cineole, cov roj tseem ceeb, 1 g ntawm chabr muaj 257 μg of retinol, 0.37 mg thiamine, 1, 81 mg ntawm pyridoxine, 50 mg ntawm cov vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, hlau thiab tooj liab.
Nyeem Ntxiv

Cov khoom siv thiab cov khoom ntawm cumin (zira) seasoning

Txij thaum lub sij hawm ancient, spices tau siv tsis tsuas yog muab cov tais diav ib ci zog thiab zoo dua, tab sis kuj yuav kho tau ntau yam mob. Ib qho xws li cov txuj lom yog Zira, los yog Cumin, uas muaj qab zib thiab ntsim dej qab zib. Yuav ua li cas siv cumin thiab ua li cas nws yog ib qhov tseem ceeb, cia saib.
Nyeem Ntxiv