Dandelions yog hu ua genus ntawm perennial herbaceous nroj tsuag. Ib tug neeg sawv cev ntawm tus genus yog hom dandelion. Nws muaj nyob txhua qhov chaw hauv peb cov latitudes. Cov nroj tsuag muaj lwm lub npe: dandelion teb, lub tsev muag tshuaj, lam. Txog cov cuab yeej muaj peev xwm peb yuav piav qhia ntxiv.
Dab tsi yog tseem ceeb dandelion
Cov kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo dandelion muaj cov iab glycosides, cov khoom pliav (quav ciab thiab roj hmab). Cov nplooj ntoos muaj choline, tar, saponins, nicotinic acid, flavonoids, glycosides. Tib yam khoom muaj nyob rau hauv cov inflorescences.
Los ntawm cov nroj tsuag hauv paus, triterpene compounds yuav muab tau, P-sitosterol, stigmasterol, inulin (nws feem sib txawv ntawm lub caij: txog 40% ntawm lub caij nplooj zeeg, kwv yees li 2% hauv lub caij nplooj ntoo hlav, thaj tsam 24%, choline, nicotinic thiab malic acids, ntsim thiab tannins, piam thaj, tar, siv quav ciab, roj hmab, fatty oil.
Koj puas paub? Nyob rau hauv lub foothills ntawm Caucasus muaj ib qho txawv txawv ntawm dandelions, uas muaj liab doog.

Ntxiv nrog rau cov khoom tsim nyob rau hauv, cov nplooj thiab qia muaj (ib 100 g):
- poov tshuaj - 397 mg;
- calcium - 187 mg;
- sodium, 76 mg;
- phosphorus - 66 mg;
- magnesium - 36 mg;
- hlau - 3.1 mg;
- selenium - 0.5 mg;
- zinc - 0.41 mg;
- manganese - 0.34 mg;
- tooj - 0.17 mg;
- Vitamin E - 3.44 mg;
- Vitamin PP - 0.806 mg;
- Vitamin K - 0.7784 mg;
- Vitamin A - 0.508 mg;
- Vitamin B2 - 0.260 mg;
- Vitamin B6 - 0.251 mg;
- Vitamin B1 - 0.190 mg;
- Vitamin B9 - 0.027 mg.
Xav paub ntau ntxiv txog cov txiaj ntsim ntawm kev siv dandelion.

Zaub mov muaj nqis ntawm ntsuab raw khoom:
- dej - 85.6 g;
- cov nqaijrog - 2.7 g;
- Sibhawm - 0.7 g;
- carbohydrates - 9.2 g;
- kev noj haus fiber - 3.5 g
100 grams ntawm boiled los yog qhuav nroj tsuag muaj:
- poov tshuaj - 232 mg;
- calcium - 140 mg;
- sodium, 44 mg;
- phosphorus - 42 mg;
- magnesium - 24 mg;
- hlau 1.8 mg
- Zinc - 0.28 mg;
- vitamin C - 18 mg;
- Vitamin E - 2.44 mg;
- vitamin K - 0,551 mg;
- Vitamin PP - 0.514 mg;
- Vitamin A - 0.342 mg;
- Vitamin B2 - 0.175 mg;
- Vitamin B6 - 0.160 mg;
- Vitamin B1 - 0.130 mg;
- Vitamin B9 - 0.013 mg.

Zaub mov muaj nqis ntawm 100 g ntawm cov khoom:
- dej - 89.8 g;
- proteins - 2 g;
- Sibhawm - 0.6 g;
- carbohydrates - 6.4;
- kev noj haus fiber ntau - 2.9 g
Xws li cov nplua nuj muaj pes tsawg tus neeg tuaj yeem ua rau cov nroj tsuag siv los ntawm cov tshuaj thiab cov tshuaj. Cov hmoov, rho, decoctions yog tsim los ntawm cov nplooj thiab cov hauv paus hniav. Lawv, nrog rau lwm cov nroj tsuag lam yog ib feem ntawm cov nqi pais plab thiab cov tshuaj yej los ua kom qab los noj.
Lawv kuj raug siv los ua cov choleretic, cov tshuaj tiv thaiv cov kua tshuaj thiab txhawm rau txhim kho plab zom mov. Dandelion keeb kwm yog siv los yog ua ke nrog lwm cov tshuaj choleretic rau cholecystitis, hepatocholecystitis, gastritis, ntev constipation.
Centaury, dawb carrot, St. John lub wort, plectranthos, whitehead, wormwood, sedge, liab currant thiab chamomile kuj muaj cov nyhuv choleretic.
Dandelion Cheebtsam nrog cov tsiaj qus chicory yog siv nyob rau hauv kev kho mob ntawm fatty infiltration ntawm daim siab. Thiab dandelion keeb kwm ua ke nrog nettle nplooj raug siv los txhim kho lactation.
Peb qhia koj kom paub koj tus kheej nrog cov khoom siv ntawm cov nroj tsuag zoo li cov thistle, amaranth, creeping gorchak, clumpy pueraria, bluegrass, dawb martus, creeping rooj zaum nyom, dodder, milkweed, thistle, ambrosia thiab thistle.
Soj ntsuam nyob rau hauv cov nroj tsuag thiab tiv thaiv tuberculosis, antiviral, antifungal, anthelmintic, anti-carcinogenic thiab antidiabetic peev xwm.
Nyob rau hauv pej xeem zoo dandelion yog siv los txhim kho qab los noj mov, tu cov ntshav, hnyuv, raws li ib tug diuretic. Pab nrog teeb meem nrog xauj, daim siab, lub raum, zais zis. Txhim kho metabolism, yog tseem ceeb rau hemorrhoids. Nws tau sau tseg tias dandelion kua txiv yuav tsum tau instilled nyob rau hauv lub qhov muag thaum lawv muaj inflamed.
Koj puas paub? Lub tuam txhab Continental AG rau kev tsim cov log tsheb nrog lub koom haum ntawm Molecular Biology hauv nroog Fraunhofer thiab University of Westphalia. Wilhelma tau tsim ib lub tshuab los tsim cov roj hmab los ntawm cov dej khov. Cov tshuab no tso cai rau koj kom tau cov log tsheb zoo thiab txuag rainforests los ntawm txiav.
Dandelion zaub mov txawv
Cov nroj tsuag yog ntse siv tsis tsuas yog nyob rau hauv cov tshuaj, tab sis kuj nyob rau hauv ua noj ua haus. Nov yog qee cov zaub mov txawv txawv rau peb cov khoom noj li ib txwm.
Dandelion zib mu
Yuav kom npaj tau cov khoom, koj yuav tsum tau:
- 400 paj dandelion;
- 0.4-0.5 liv dej txias;
- 1 kg ntawm qab zib;
- lauj kaub;
- colander;
- gauze;
- sterile jars;
- npog.
Ntxuav inflorescences ntawm ib tug nroj tsuag uas poured nrog dej nyob rau hauv ib saucepan. Lub thawv ntim rau hauv hluav taws, thiab nws cov ntsiab lus yog boiled rau ob peb teev. Lub tsho yuav tsum tau ntws mus rau lwm lub thawv. Rau no colander them nrog gauze. Txhua yam yog zoo nias. Ncuav qab zib rau hauv cov dej no thiab rov qab tuaj rau hluav taws dua. Nws yog tsim nyog rau boil tag nrho 7-10 feeb.
Thaum lub qab zib yog yaj, thiab cov ntsiab lus ntawm lub lauj kaub yuav pib thicken, tshem tawm los ntawm tshav kub - cov khoom npaj txhij. Rau yooj yim cia, nws muaj peev xwm yuav poured rau hauv jars thiab dov li.
Dandelion Jam
Xav tau noj:
- 360-400 dandelion paj;
- 2 khob dej txias;
- 7 tsom-iav qab zib;
- colander;
- gauze;
- lauj kaub;
- sterile jars;
- npog.
Xyuas kom paub cov zaub mov ua rau jam los ntawm quince, cassis, hawthorn, Manchurian txiv ntoo, strawberry, dawb Cherry, gooseberry thiab qus Strawberry.
Ntxuav paj thiab sau nrog dej. Peb muab tso rau hauv qhov hluav taws kub thiab boil ob peb feeb. Ntuav cov kua rau hauv lwm saucepan los ntawm ib tug colander nrog gauze. Txhua yam yog zoo nias. Nyob rau hauv lub resulting kua ncuav qab zib thiab dua ntxiv nyob rau hauv qhov hluav taws kub. Boil rau xya feeb. Cov khoom yog npaj txhij. Ncuav nws tshaj lub tsev nyiaj thiab kaw lub hau.
Nws tseem ceeb heev! Rau jam, nws yog ntshaw mus nqa paj sau nyob rau hauv Tej zaum, thiab deb ntawm highways thiab industrial cheeb tsam.
Dandelion Leaf Zaub xam lav
Rau ua noj nyias nyias xav tau:
- 300 g ntawm cov tub ntxhais hluas dandelion foliage;
- 2 lub qhov ci ntawm lo lus tseeb;
- 2 daim noob nplooj ntoo;
- 2 cloves ntawm qej;
- 3 tbsp. l herbal vinegar;
- pinch qab zib;
- 1 tsp mustard;
- 4 tbsp. l mustard;
- ntsev, kua txob.
Ntxuav cov nplooj thiab qhuav. Txiav lub khob noom cookie mus rau hauv cubes thiab Fry nyob rau hauv butter kom txog thaum crunching. Crush dos thiab qej, thiab sib tov nrog mov ci. Ntxiv qab zib, ntsev, kua txob, mustard rau vinegar. Li ntawd. Ntxiv butter kom tov thiab tuav kom txog thaum tus. Cov nplooj yog pw tawm ntawm ib phaj, poured on to top ntawm sauce. Lawv muab lub ncuav lo rau lawv. Zaub xam lav yuav tsum tau noj sai sai tom qab ua noj.
Dandelion kua zaub
Rau cov kua zaub xav tau:
- 400 g dandelion foliage;
- 1 kg ntawm nqaij qaib;
- 200 g ntawm cream 20%;
- 200 g qos yaj ywm;
- 225 g (3 phaj.) Ntawm dos;
- 4 cloves ntawm qej;
- 1 qe;
- 1 txiv qaub;
- 10 g tshiab mint;
- 6 g sesame;
- 50 g ntawm zaub roj;
- 3.5 liv dej.
Ua noj pib nrog txiav nqaij qaib:
- Cais cov kab txawv ntawm cov pob txha thiab tawv. On cov pob txha npaj lub broth. Sau lawv nrog 1.5 liv dej thiab ua noj rau ib teev thiab ib nrab. Lub caij no, tev thiab ua noj qos yaj ywm. Coarsely chop lub tiav tubers. Ib hom qoob loo yog loj, lwm tus me me. Qij (2 qoob loo) thiab mint kuj yog finely tws. Los ntawm txiv qaub kua kua txiv. Separate lub qe dawb los ntawm yolk.
- Nqaij qaib nqaij thiab tev ua ke nrog tws loj loj thiab tag nrho qej twist nyob rau hauv ib tug nqaij grinder. Nyob rau hauv lub stuffing ntxiv ntsev, kua txob, Mint. Ua kom zoo. Boil ob liv dej. Ncuav ntxuav cov nplooj hauv nws thiab coj mus rau lub rhaub dua. Skit cia.
- Nyob rau hauv zaub roj, Fry finely tws dos thiab qej. Ncua lawv rau hauv lub lauj kaub, ntxiv nplooj thiab ncuav ib nrab ntawm broth. Cov sib tov yog siav tshaj li tsawg cua sov kom txog thaum lub nplooj yog mos. Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb uas lawv tsis hloov xim. Ntxiv cov qos yaj ywm thiab zom txhua yam nrog rab. Tam sim no ntxiv cream, thib ob feem ntawm broth, ntsev, kua txob thiab coj mus rau ib tug boil. Ncuav cov tais ntawm daim hlau thiab ntxiv nqaij qaib npas.
- Npas yog tsim los ntawm minced nqaij. Ntxiv cov protein kom nws thiab sib tov zoo. Tom ntej, ncuav 2 tbsp. l txiv qaub kua txiv. Minced meatballs yog ua los ntawm minced nqaij thiab dov nyob rau hauv sesame. Qe nqaij yog kib hauv ib lub lauj kaub rau hauv roj kom txog thaum ib nrab siav. Ntxiv txiv qaub kua txiv thiab kib rau lwm peb rau tsib feeb. Koj tuaj yeem kis cov npas nyob hauv cov kua zaub thiab zoo siab rau cov khoom qab zib.
Kua mis nyeem qaub nrog dandelion
Rau no phaj yuav tsum:
- 2 tsom iav ntawm yogurt;
- 1 tbsp. l crushed dandelion nplooj;
- 2 tbsp. l crushed inflorescences;
- 1 tbsp. l walnuts;
- 1 tbsp. l zib ntab
Tag nrho cov cheebtsam tshwj tsis yog ceev, sib tov nrog rab. Zaum li peb feeb. Lub resulting homogeneous loj yog poured rau hauv tsom iav thiab decorated nrog crushed neeg rau.
Dandelion Wine
Rau haus koj xav tau:
- liter hub ntawm dandelion inflorescences;
- 2 lemons;
- 1.5 kg ntawm qab zib;
- 100 g raisins;
- 3-4 pieces mint ceg.
Cov dej haus yog npaj rau ntawm lub paj ntawm cov nplaum paj. Lawv sib cais nrog rab riam los ntawm lub txaj. Peb muab cov khoom tiav raw rau hauv lub lauj kaub thiab ncuav plaub liv ntawm boiled dej txias. Npog nrog lub hau thiab tawm mus rau ib hnub. Tom qab 24 teev nyob rau hauv ib nrab ib liter ntawm boiling dej, dissolve lub suab thaj thiab teem lub syrup on qhov hluav taws kub.
Peb pom zoo kom koj nyeem txog yuav ua li cas nrog wine currants, plums, raspberries, apples, txiv hmab, sawv petals, raws li tau zoo compote thiab jam.
Noj kom txog thaum tuab. Cov kev sib nkag siab yog ntsuam xyuas li no: ib qho dej qaub qaub yog dripped mus rau ib qho chaw tiaj tus. Cov khoom tiav yuav khaws cov duab ntawm ib tug nco. Peb muab tso rau hauv lub lauj kaub, nyob rau hauv uas lub paj insisted, teem on hluav taws, coj mus rau ib tug boil thiab cia txias.
Lim tawm. Nplooj yuav tsum tsis txhob nkag mus rau hauv cov kua. Los ntawm pulp ntawm lemons Extract kua txiv. Ncuav syrup rau hauv Txoj kev lis ntshav, ntxiv raisins, Mint, txiv qaub zest thiab kua txiv. Tag nrho cov mix thiab cover nrog gauze. Tso tawm rau ob hnub mus ua si. Tom qab ob hnub, mint thiab zest tshem tawm. Ncuav cov kua rau hauv lub raj mis thiab muab hnab looj tes rau ntawm lub caj dab. Nyob rau hauv ib tug ntiv tes peb ua ib lub me me. Peb tshem tawm lub raj mis nyob rau hauv ib qho chaw tsaus - koj yuav tsum tau haus cov dej haus. Nyob rau thaum xaus ntawm fermentation txheej txheem, lub txo yog cais, thiab cawu cub yog bottled, corked thiab khiav nkaum nyob rau hauv ib qhov chaw txias kom deb ntawm tshav ntuj. Muaj nws yuav sim 3-6 lub hlis.
Dandelion Tshuaj Yej
Los npaj dej koj xav tau:
- 2 tsp. qhuav dandelion foliage;
- 0.3 liv dej.
Ncuav qhuav raw cov khoom siv nrog dej hau thiab brew rau 10 feeb. Ntxiv qab zib mus saj. Koj haus tau.
Nws tseem ceeb heev! Dandelion tshuaj yej yog ib tug zoo diuretic, yog li thaum nws yog consumed nws yog tsim nyog los nce qhov feem pua ntawm cov khoom noj uas muaj poov tshuaj nyob rau hauv kev noj haus.

Quav cog Cheebtsam yog khaws cia rau hauv ib lub maub, qhuav, sov, zoo ventilated chav. Keeb kwm yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv ntoo thawv, nplooj thiab paj - nyob rau hauv ntaub los yog lub hnab ntawv los yog hauv thawv ntawv thawv los yog iav jars.
Cov hauv paus hniav khaws lawv cov khoom mus txog tsib xyoos. Qhov seem ntawm seem ntawm cov nroj tsuag tsuas yog haum rau ib lub xyoo.
Yog hais tias koj noj cov nroj tsuag dosed, ces cov kev mob tshwm sim yuav tsis yog. Yog tias tus nqi noj ntau dua, muaj kev tsis haum tshuaj, los yog acidity ntawm lub plab yuav nce.
Raws li koj tau pom, dandelion tsis tsuas yog ib qhov chaw ntawm cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb, tab sis kuj yog ib qho zoo heev raw khoom rau cov sim ua noj. Qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws thaum noj mov yog siv cov khoom siv raw khoom hauv cov cheeb tsam huv si. Tom qab ntawd lub lauj kaub tais diav yuav tsis tsuas yog yuav six, tab sis kuj tseem ceeb.