Thaum xaus ntawm lub xyoo pua 19th, qhov kev thov rau lub qe-shelled qe nce, thiab buyers ua ntau txaus siab yuav lawv. Tom qab ntawd tus yug menyuam pib hla txawv breeds mus ua cov xim daj uas muaj suab thaj.
Cov noog, uas tswj kom coj, hu ua barnevelder, lawv maj maj maj.
- Nqe lus thiab nta
- Sab nrauv
- Xim
- Tsi
- Txhua xyoo qe ntau lawm
- Hatching instinct
- Cov xwm txheej ntawm kev raug txim
- Coop Yuav Tsum Tau Muaj
- Loog rau kev taug kev
- Yuav ua li cas nyiaj kom txias
- Yuav ua li cas pub rau cov neeg laus chickens
- Yug me nyuam qaib
- Hatching qe
- Kev saib xyuas rau cov hluas
- Nqaij qaib noj
- Hloov tshiab
- Muaj zog thiab qaug zog
- Yees duab: barneveld qaib nyiaj
Keeb kwm keeb kwm
Nyob hauv ib lub zos me me hu ua Barneveld hauv xyoo 1850, tus ua liaj ua teb Van Esveld tau sim yug ib qho yug tshiab los ntawm cov tsiaj qus nrog Kohinquin yug qaib, uas tau nqa ntawm qe nrog lub plhaub xim av. Kev ua qoob ua hauj lwm txuas ntxiv, rhais kob, carad langshans, daj orpingtones, pomfles, thiab Khab ntaus pheasant-daj xim ntsuab ntxiv rau cov poj koob yawg koob ntawm tus tsiaj. Qhov tshwm sim yog cov tsos ntawm hens ntawm nyuj yug, uas pom zoo tshwm sim ntawm qe qhuav thiab nyob rau tib lub sij hawm raug nqa los ntawm qe nrog xim av zoo li, tab sis nws tsis tau mus ua tau ib tug maub tsos nqaij daim tawv. Thaum xub thawj, lawv tsis xav kom pom qhov yug, vim nws nyuaj rau cais tawm ntawm kev cais, tab sis tom qab txuas ntxiv mus ua hauj lwm hauv kev hla thiab tsim cov qauv hauv xyoo 1923 (raws li lwm qhov version - nyob rau hauv 1910), tus yug tau txais kev pom zoo.
Noog ntawm no yug ua rau nrov heev, lawv zoo siab hlo hauv lawv tsev neeg, thiab tsis ntev lawv tau coj mus rau lub teb chaws Yelemees thiab Askiv. Tom qab ob peb lub xyoo, qhov txuas ntxiv ntawm kev txhim kho ntawm cov qauv kev yug thiab kev nyiam ua rau raising qaib li cov noog cov hniav coj mus rau cov tsos ntawm ib hom ntsiag to ntawm yug.
Nws yog nthuav kom tau ntsib cov menyuam thiab cov qaib: hla, me, ntoo loj, paj ntoo av, xim av daj, redbro, tus tswv tsev grey, hubbard, highsex.
Nqe lus thiab nta
Cov tub ntxhais Barnevelder txawv hauv qhov tsos, xim, tus cwj pwm, cov qe ntau lawm thiab tsim kom muaj kev tsim.
Sab nrauv
Raws li yug tus qauv qaib:
- qhov kevcai tswjfwm yog muaj zog, cov ntaub ntawv raug sib npaug, qhov tsaws yog tsawg, qhov ntev yog 1/3 tshaj qhov tob;
- caj dab zoo feathered, tsis ntev, tiam sis tsis luv;
- tav qis qis cog, loj heev, nrog rau tus cwj pwm khoov;
- tus nraub qaum tsis ntev, nws yog muab faib rau qhov dav, nws raug tsa hauv tus Tsov tus Tshooj;
- cov tis yog nias ntawm lub cev;
- Tail yog siab, zoo-feathered, tsis ntev heev;
- lub plab yog tsawg, loj, yog muab faib rau qhov dav;
- lub taub hau yog dav, tsis dhau siab, tsis muaj plumage rau ntawm lub ntsej muag;
- lub crest yog me me, nrog lub plumage lub teeb, them nrog ib daim tawv nqaij nyias, nws muaj peev xwm muaj 4-6 ntse tswv yim;
- me ntsis hwj txwv kab;
- earlobes tsis heev loj, elongated, nyias, liab;
- beak tsaus daj, loj, tab sis luv;
- ob lub qhov muag yog ci xim txiv kab ntxwv nrog ib tug liab tint;
- hips loj, zoo-txhais, tsim;
- qhov paws tsis ntev dhau lawm, tus pob txha yog nyias, pleev xim rau xim daj;
- phaus li ntawm 3 mus rau 3.5 kg.
Muaj hens Kev yug tus cwj pwm muaj xws li cov cwj pwm ntawm cov yug menyuam:
- lub cev loj heev, qhov tsaws yog tsawg, lub hauv siab yog dav, lub plab yog muag;
- tus nraub qaum tsis ntev heev, qhov nce hauv qhov seem yog qhov yeeb yam;
- lub Tail yog loj heev ntawm lub cev, tapers thiab qhib upwards;
- taw taw daj nrog ib lub tis;
- phaus li ntawm 2,5 rau 2.75 kg.
Qhov ceeb thawj ntawm ib tug dwarf ntau yam yog tsis muaj ntau tshaj 1.5 kg, ntau tshaj 1 kg. Cov noog yuav tsum tsis txhob muaj:
- nqaim, siab dhau heev lossis lub cev tsis muaj zog;
- nqaim rov qab;
- ntse tawg ntawm txoj kab tom qab;
- nqaim ntse hauv siab;
- nqaim plab;
- nqaim los yog txhuam tawb;
- feathered paws;
- enamelled earlobes.
Koj puas paub? Cov qaib zoo tib yam nco ntsoov cov neeg ntsej muag, lawv yuav pom tus tswv ntawm 10-meter nrug.
Barneveld qaib yuav muaj xim zoo li no:
- xim;
- hauv cov xim dawb lossis xim dub.
Cov xim xim muaj xws li xim av xim liab, xim liab, dawb, lavender grey, dub nrog ob zaug npuab xim dub los yog dawb. Liab xim av Nws muaj ob chav tsaus nti edging rau ntawm plaub. Cov noog muaj dub dub rau lawv cov caj dab, thiab lawv cov tails dub nrog cov hawj xiav-ntsuab. Nyob rau tis, lub plumage yog maub-xim av sab nraud, dub nyob rau hauv nrog nrog ib tug brownish tint. Hom khaub ncaws no yog xim los ntawm xim av xim ntawm ib qho ntxoov ntxoo, dub plumage yuav tsum tsis txhob ntau dhau.
Cov noog uas muaj roj liab on feathers muaj ob chav dub edging.
Dub xim pojniam yog ximxoo los ntawm ob zaug dawb edging, nws yog dawb nrog dub edging.
Lavender grey edging on brown plaub - Qhov no yog ib qho kev hloov nyob rau hauv Netherlands. Nyob rau hauv Teb Chaws Asmeskas, tsuas yog qaib ntawm xim liab-xim daj uas tsaus nti edging raug lees paub. Nyob rau hauv Great Britain, tsis zoo li lwm lub teb chaws, noog liab xim nrog dawb ob edging, dawb Tail thiab plab yog pom. Hauv ntau lub teb chaws, cov xim ntawm hom kab cuckoo tsis paub - lub caj dab xim daj, lub cev tsaus nti feathering xim, dawb edging, lub hauv paus dawb ntawm plaub. Qhov ob zaug edging yog tsiag ntawv los ntawm ob lub npoo - nyob rau sab nraud thiab lwm qhov hauv nruab nrab. Noog muaj dub los yog chestnut plaub ntawm caj dab thiab nraub qaum, ntawm cov npoo ntsuab los yog dub edging, nruab nrab yog chestnut. Ob zaug edging kuj yog nyob ntawm lub hauv siab, tus ncej, plab.
Qaib breeds ntawm brekel silver, Suav teb, kab tshoob, Pavlovskaya, dominants muaj kev nthuav tsos.
Cov xim yuav tsum tsis txhob npau taws, lub teeb xim av, lub qaib yuav tsum tsis txhob muaj dawb plumage nyob rau sab hauv ntawm tis thiab ntawm Tail.
Dub xim tsiag ntawv los ntawm ib tug greenish-xiav tint, ob peb xim av ntxoov. Dawb xim suav nrog qhov ntxoov ntxoo los ntawm lub teeb ci ntxoov ntxoo, tsis muaj xim daj.
Nyob rau hauv Netherlands, tsuas yog ntsiag to barnewelders yuav muaj ib tug silvery ntxoov ntxoo.
Cov xim ntawm chickens yog lub teeb xim av, tsaus xim av, dub, daj nrog ib xim av rov qab.
Barnevelders tsis pugnacious, kev sib haum xeeb-hlub, sib raug zoo nrog lwm tus pojniam ntawm cov qaib, nrog rau cov noog thiab tsiaj txhu, lawv tsis ntshai tib neeg, tsis txhob khiav ntawm lawv.
Koj puas paub? Yuav kom nqa lub qe, lub hens tsis xav tau ib tug rooster, tab sis qaib yuav tsis hatch los ntawm xws li cov qe.
Txhua xyoo qe ntau lawm
Cov neeg ua haujlwm Barnewelders yog cov muaj txiaj ntsim zoo: pib txij thaum yug los ntawm 7 lub hlis, lawv txhua xyoo rhuav tshem txog 180 lub qe uas yam tsawg kawg 60-70 g txhua. Nyob rau hauv lub caij ntuj no, cov noog tseem mus nqa. Lawv lub qe yog nyob rau hauv ib lub plhaub xim av. Cawv ntub qe rushes qe ntawm 40 g.
Thaum lub sij hawm molt lub sij hawm, uas kav txog 2 lub hlis nyob rau hauv lub caij nplooj ntoos zeeg, chickens tsis rush. Noog qe qhuav zuj zus tom qab mus txog 3-4 xyoo.
Tshawb xyuas seb yuav ua li cas yog cov qaib tsis zoo, nqa cov qe me, peck qe, thiab tseem qe qe zoo li cas.
Hatching instinct
Lub hauv siab ntxim nyiam hauv chickens yog zoo tsim, lawv saib xyuas tsis tsuas yog hais txog lawv cov offspring, tab sis lawv muaj peev xwm kuj hatch qe ntawm lwm breeds. Hauv nruab nrab, txog 95% ntawm cov qe tuag, thiab qaib daug los ntawm lawv.
Cov xwm txheej ntawm kev raug txim
Txhawm rau muab cov khoom noj zoo rau cov qaib hauv Barnevelder yog tsim cov nqaij qaib kom yog thiab kho vaj tsev kom taug kev.
Coop Yuav Tsum Tau Muaj
Qhov no yug ntawm chickens yuav tsum tsiv ntau, yog li nws zoo tshaj plaws kom tsis txhob cia lawv nyob rau hauv tawb. Yog hais tias koj tsis pub lub barnevelders lub sijhawm los taug kev heev, lawv yuav pib muaj kab mob sib kis ntawm lawv cov quav.
Cov coop yuav tsum dav txaus rau 1 square. Kuv tsis muaj ntau tshaj 5 tus qaib, thiab zoo dua - 3. Zoo, yog hais tias nws yog los ntawm sab qaum teb los ntawm lwm lub tsev, ces nws yuav tsis tsum tau tshuab los ntawm cua txias - cov ntawv tsim muaj qhov tsis zoo rau kev noj qab haus huv ntawm cov noog. Txawm li cas los xij, cov cua daj cua dub me me nrog cov pos hniav yuav tsum pom tau tias, cua hauv chav tsev yuav tsum tsis txhob kaw.
Qhov cua tso cai rau koj tswj cov kub thiab cov av noo nyob rau hauv nqaij qaib coop. Qhov no txhawb rau kev loj hlob zoo ntawm cov noog thiab pab kom muaj txiaj ntsim zoo ntawm nws txoj kev cog qoob loo.
Tsis tas li ntawd, cov noog xav tau zoo illuminated, yuav tsum muaj qhov rais hauv lub tsev poj niam. Yuav kom lawv nqa qe, nws yuav tsum pom qhov tsawg kawg nkaus 17 teev ib hnub twg, yog li ntawd yuav tsum muaj teeb pom kev zoo ntxiv los ntawm cov khoom siv dag zog, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog thaum caij ntuj no. Ib qho tseem ceeb rau cov ntsiab lus yog qhov tsis tuaj ntawm high humidity thiab dej nyab, yog li nws yog zoo dua los ua lub hauv paus nyob rau hauv cov nqaij qaib coop columnar. Ces torrential rains los yog melting snow yuav tsis dej nyab nws, nws yeej yuav qhuav muaj.
Floors lawv yuav tuav cov dej kub kom zoo yog tias lawv tau them cov av nplaum, thiab hauv kev ua kom cov xuab zeb, sawdust lossis shavings. Yuav kom cov poj niam lub tsev huv, qhov chaw pov tseg yuav tsum tau hloov ua ib ntus, yog li ntawd nws yuav siv li 15 kg ntawm ib xyoo twg ib noog.
Peb tawm tswv yim rau koj nyeem txog qhov kev xaiv thiab yuav khoom ntawm ib tug qaib coop, ywj siab qhuav thiab kev txhim kho ntawm nqaij qaib coop.
Phab ntsa nyob rau hauv qhov nqaij qaib coop, koj muaj peev xwm tsim los ntawm ntoo, cib los yog cinder block, thawj qhov kev xaiv yog qhov zoo vim nws tsis tau ntxiv rwb thaiv tsev thiab cua sov thaum lub caij ntuj no. Txhawm rau muab cov kev mob zoo rau Barnevelder, qhov ntsuas kub hauv chav yuav tsum yog nyob ntawm +18 thiab +25 ° C.
Nyob rau ntawm phab ntsa, qhib qhov rooj rau qhov nkag thiab muab tso rau ntawm qhov ntev ntawm 20 cm ntawm lub hauv paus, npog nws, txua ib qho me me hauv daim ntawv ntawm txoj kev hauv tsev, thiab dai lub qhov rooj.
Nyob rau ntawm 1 m ntawm hauv pem teb nrog rods equip roosts, qhov deb ntawm uas yuav tsum muaj txog 30 cm, thiab lawv lub cheeb - 5 cm. Nyob rau hauv ib qhov chaw tsaus, nests yog teem nrog kev pab ntawm straw, fluff, sawdust, noob los ntawm husk, thiaj li hais tias chickens yog nqa.
Yuav tiv thaiv tawm tsam fleas, chickens noj qhuav da dej ntawm xuab zeb tov nrog ashes. Qhov no sib tov yog poured rau hauv thawv ntawm txog 0.5 square metres. m
Ib qho yuav tsum tau ua ntej yog muaj cov chais thiab dej haus, uas yuav tsum tau ua kom thiaj li ua rau cov noog tsis tuaj yeem faib zaub mov los ntawm qhov ntawd thiab nkag mus rau hauv nruab nrab. Nyias xaiv tus pub rau chalk los yog seashells.
Tau txais kev paub nrog cov breeds ntawm hens ntawm qe, nqaij, nqaij-qe, zoo nkauj txoj kev coj.
Loog rau kev taug kev
Nyob ze ntawm nqaij qaib coop, nws yog ib qhov tsim nyog yuav tau muab rau thaj chaw taug kev ntawm 2 zaug qhov loj ntawm nqaij qaib coop, uas muaj nrog lub laj kab tsis tshaj 2 m siab, txwv tsis pub cov noog tuaj hla nws. Lub ib ncig yuav tsum nyob deb ntawm lub vaj teb, txwv tsis pub lub qaib yuav khawb nws thiab ua puas lub qoob loo.
Nws kuj yuav tsum tau muab nrog ib daim kab xev kom muab cov khoom thaiv los nrog lub sijhawm los nkaum ntawm lub hnub ci thaum lub caij ntuj sov.
Yuav ua li cas nyiaj kom txias
Cov mob khaub thuas muaj cov kab mob zoo. Thaum tsis muaj qhov loj heev frosts, tus noog yuav taug kev nyob rau hauv lub caij ntuj no. Nco ntsoov tias qhov kub ntawm qhov nqaij qaib coop tsis poob rau hauv qab +5 ° C.
Kawm ntxiv txog kev tu cov qaib nyob rau lub caij ntuj no: yuav ua li cas tsim ib tug qaib coop rau lub caij ntuj no thiab ua kom cua sov.
Yuav ua li cas pub rau cov neeg laus chickens
Barnewelders yog unpretentious nyob rau hauv cov zaub mov. Txawm hais tias nyob rau hauv Tebchaws Europe lawv tau pub nrog cov khoom noj xyaw, nyob rau hauv peb lub neej lawv txaus siab noj grain, boiled qe, tsev cheese, thiab pob kws hmoov.
Nws tseem ceeb heev! Nyob rau hauv nyob rau hauv lub sib cais ntawm pub txog 60% yuav tsum grain - barley, millet, hom qoob mog, pob kws, sorghum, oats, rye, buckwheat.
Pub rau lawv noj txhua hnub ob zaug:
- nyob rau hauv thaum sawv ntxov - txog 8 o'clock;
- nyob rau yav tsaus ntuj - txog 17 teev.
Tag nrho cov khoom noj tauj ib hnub yog 75-150 g. Tom qab 0.5 teev tom qab pub mov noj, cov khoom noj tau muab tshem tawm kom cov noog tsis ua luam dej.
Yog hais tias calcium tsis tau muab rau noog, qhov zoo ntawm lub qe yuav raug kev txom nyem. Yog li ntawd, lawv pub nrog chalk, pounded nrog shells, crushed shells, thiab slaked nrog txiv qaub. Khoom noj khoom haus yuav tsum muab cov protein kom tsawg hauv lub cev ntawm cov qaib, vim qhov no lawv tau muab nettle, clover, saum, alfalfa, poov, hmoov, taum. Poov xab yog muab tso rau hauv diluted 15 g ib hnub twg. Ua li no, 30 g ntawm poov yog dissolved nyob rau hauv 3 liv dej sov thiab infused rau 8 xuab moos.
Rog yog ib qho tsim nyog tivthaiv, lawv tuaj nrog tsev cheese, pob txha noj mov los yog ntses mov noj (qhov tom kawg hauv cov zauv me me, yog li tsis txhob lwj qhov saj ntawm lub qe).
Yuav kom muaj ntau ntawm qe los ntawm chickens, nws yog tsis txaus xaiv ib tug yug nrog high qe qhuav rau yug me nyuam. Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb uas yuav tau npaj lawv cov khoom noj, muab tag nrho cov khoom tsim nyog thiab cov vitamins.
Qhov intake ntawm carbohydrates nyob rau hauv lub cev yuav muab cov khoom noj los ntawm nplej, qos yaj ywm, beets, zucchini thiab lwm yam zaub. Yog hais tias lub grain yog thawj zaug germinated, nws yuav muaj vitamin E thiab B ntau dua.
Cov qaib yuav tsum tau tu thiab ntxuav tshiab. dej. Lawv tseem xav tau cov gravel, uas yuav tawg khiav tau qhov chaw ntawm kev taug kev.
Yug me nyuam qaib
Yug me nyuam yaus ua tau yooj yim, nws txaus txaus rau kev zov me nyuam.
Hatching qe
Yuav kom yug no yug, koj yuav siv tau incubator, muab muaj qe yuav los yog pw los ntawm lawv tus kheej chickens. Koj tuaj yeem nteg qe nyob rau hauv hen hen los yog yuav hatched chickens.
Nws tseem ceeb heev! Ntawm tag nrho, txog 94% ntawm Barnevelder yug qaib cov ciaj sia.
Kev saib xyuas rau cov hluas
Tom qab hatching, qaib yuav tsum tau tas mus li ib puag ncig-lub-moos illumination thiab ib lub ambient kub ntawm + 35 ° C. Tom qab 2 hnub, qhov kev xav tau rau qhov tsis muaj teeb liab tas li, thiab tom qab 7 hnub koj tuaj yeem pib maj txo cov huab cua txias. Yuav kom nce chickens tus kab mob tsis kam, lawv yuav tsum tau txhaj tshuaj tiv thaiv.
Nqaij qaib noj
Tam sim ntawd tom qab hatching, qaib yog pub txhua txhua ob teev, tom qab 7-10 hnub, 5 noj mov yuav txaus. Pib mus pub lub chicks boiled qe, uas yog dov nyob rau hauv semolina, thiaj li tsis mus lo rau fluff. Los ntawm hnub tom qab, koj tuaj yeem pib ntxiv tsev cheese, millet, zaub, nettles, tom qab 5 hnub lawv qhia cov gravel, xuab zeb, thiab cov khoom ntxhia ntxiv. Nws yog ua tau kom muab lub compound pub npaj rau chickens. Grain nyob rau hauv nws entirety pib muab ib lub hlis tom qab nws yug los. Cov qaib yuav tsum tau siv cov dej huv, cov mis yuav tsum muab pov tseg vim muaj teeb meem ntawm plab zom mov.
Hloov tshiab
Chickens khaws lub peev xwm mus rau nteg qe rau ntau tshaj 10 xyoo, tab sis tom qab 3-4 xyoo tus naj npawb ntawm qe pw txo, thiab lawv cov me me poob. Tsis tas li ntawd, nqaij qaib nqaij ua ntau xim thiab tsis tshua zoo dua. Yog li ntawd, periodically hloov lub herd rau cov tub ntxhais hluas.
Muaj zog thiab qaug zog
Qhov zoo ntawm qhov yug muaj xws li:
- kev thaj yeeb nyab xeeb;
- unpretentiousness;
- zoo qe ntau lawm;
- qe loj;
- ntxiag saj ntawm nqaij;
- zoo nkauj tsos thiab xim ntawm eggshell;
- nqaij qaib nqaij;
- propensity mus ua kom to taub cov noob;
- siab ciaj ntawm cov menyuam;
- kab mob ua hauj;
- txheeb ze txias tsis sib haum;
- lub sijhawm los koom rau hauv exhibitions.
Txawm li ntawd los, yug me nyuam yug nws cov tsis zoo:
- ib txwm mus rau cov kab mob ntawm cov pob yas qej txha;
- qhov yuav tsum tau muab cov nqaij qaib nyom thiab chaw fenced rau kev taug kev;
- tus nqi siab.
Yees duab: barneveld qaib nyiaj
Yog li, barnevelder yog zoo nkauj heev qaib uas yuav zoo siab tsis yog nrog ib qho zoo nkauj tsos, tab sis kuj nrog cua nqaij, ib nplua mais ntawm cov qe nrog lub plhaub xim av. Koj tsis tas yuav hla ntau heev, tsim kom muaj cov kev mob nkawm, tab sis yuav tsum tau tu kom zoo, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog hais txog qhov chaw dav dav thiab thaj chaw. Tab sis koj yuav tsum coj mus rau hauv tus account uas rau lub sij hawm kom muaj xws li cov noog koj yuav tsum tau rau nkhaus tawm me ntsis.