Ornamental nroj tsuag loj hlob

Loj hlob clariki seedlings thiab seedless txoj kev: cog thiab kev saib xyuas

Bright variegation thiab simultaneous airiness ntawm clarke lub inflorescences beckons ib tug ze ze saib mus rau lub wondrous txhua xyoo. Nyob rau hauv lub vaj teb, lawv zoo li multicolored huab, uas rau ib co tsis paub hais tias yam entangled nyob rau hauv ntsuab stems ntawm tsawg nyom. Kaw ib tug tau txais lub tswv yim hais tias ib tug neeg txhob txwm strung rau hauv nyias, pubescent twigs ntawm ilv Roses ntawm scarlet, liab doog thiab ntshav tones.

Nws hloov tawm hais tias txawm pom qhov tsis txaus siab, lub nroj tsuag tsis tau tshwj xeeb mob rau nws txoj kev loj hlob. Tom qab nyeem ntawv ntev txog cov ntaub ntawv tshwj xeeb thiab kev sib txuas lus nrog cov kws paub txog cov tswv teb, peb paub txhua yam txog clarke thiab yuav zoo siab los qhia txoj kev paub no nrog koj.

Loj hlob los ntawm seedlings

Qhov zoo tshaj plaws kom tau txais ntau yam hu ua clarke noob qe. Cog noob yog yooj yim heev thiab tsis ua rau muaj teeb meem txawm rau cov neeg tshiab.

Qee cov paj kws loj hlob tuaj ua ntej cog cov noob qoob loo, thaum lwm tus ua tam sim ntawd cog noob qoob loo ntawm qhov chaw nyob hauv lub paj txaj. Peb yuav to taub ntxiv nyob rau hauv ntau dua kom meej thaum cog Clarky on seedlings thiab yuav ua li cas nws ua kom raug.

Lub sijhawm zoo

Nyob rau hauv cov tsiaj qus, Clarkia dissolves nws cov lush inflorescences nyob rau lub Tsib Hlis thiab Lub Rau Hli. Los ntawm thaum pib ntawm lub caij loj hlob rau flowering yuav siv txog ob lub hlis.

Muab qhov no ntawm cov kab lis kev cai, sowing noob rau seedlings yuav tsum tau npaj tsis pub dhau thawj lub lim tiam ntawm Lub Peb Hlis, tab sis yog hais tias koj xav kom cov buds tshwm ib me ntsis ntxov, koj muaj peev xwm sow nyob rau thaum xaus ntawm Lub ob hlis ntuj.

Av xaiv

Nyob rau hauv relation mus rau lub composition ntawm cov av, lub clarke muaj nws tus kheej yuav tsum tau, thiab yog hais tias lawv tsis coj mus rau hauv tus account, lub paj tsis tsim. Lub substrate yuav tsum lub teeb, xoob, moist thiab me ntsis acidic.

Yog li ntawd, nyob rau hauv rooj plaub thaum koj ua haujlwm nrog lub ntiaj teb hnyav, kom tsis txhob ua kom puas lub paj, nco ntsoov ntxiv tib qho ntawm cov xuab zeb.

Qhov zoo tagnrho xaiv rau cog seedlings yog ib tug sib tov ntawm vaj huam sib luag ntawm peat, xuab zeb, rotted humus thiab ob zaug tus nqi ntawm daim ntawv av. Txhua yam koj yuav tsum tau sib tov zoo kom tsis txhob qog.

Rau disinfection ntawm npaj npaj substrate los ntawm fungal thiab kab mob pathogens, nws yuav tsum tau ignited nyob rau hauv qhov cub los yog steamed nyob rau hauv ib cov dej da dej.

Nws tseem ceeb heev! Clarky seedlings tsis dhia, vim hais tias cov kab lis kev cai, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog hybrid ntau yam, tsis ciaj sia tom qab rov hloov.

Sowing noob rau seedlings

Ua ntej koj yuav tsum tau saib xyuas cov chaw ntiav thoob plaws nrog ntiav tshwj xeeb rau txhua qhov kab mob. Thaum twg txhua yam npaj txhij, muab lub raj ntim rau hauv lub ntiaj teb, theem nws thiab nphoo cov noob rau saum toj, me ntsis nias lawv nrog ib qhov tob ntawm 1.5-2 cm.

Thoob plaws lub caij ntuj sov, lub qhov muag yuav zoo siab: Roses, carnations, lilies, delphiniums, hyacinths, pansies, peonies.

Qee tus niam tsev qhia txog kev cog cov noob ntawm seedlings hauv peat ntsiav tshuaj. Lawv muab tso rau hauv cov khob yas me, dej thiab tob rau hauv cov qoob loo. Tom qab ntawd, los tsim ib lub tsev xog paj siv, npog nrog lwm khob. Nrog xws li agrotechnics, Clarkia tsim zoo npaum li cas, thiab dhau li ntawd, thaum transplanting mus rau hauv qhib hauv av, seedlings tsis raug mob hauv paus system.

Tej yam xwm rau germinating noob

Thawj tua ntawm cog noob yuav tshwm nyob rau hauv ob lub lim tiam. Yog li ntawd, nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb kom tsim tau ib qho chaw zoo rau lawv cov kab mob. Ua li no, tshem lub thawv nrog lub txaj "txaj" lossis yas khob hauv chaw sov kom deb ntawm kev tshav ntuj ncaj qha. Chav tsev yuav tsum muaj qhov cua zoo thiab cua qhuav, thiab cov av hauv lub khob yuav tsum tau muab txau rau lub sijhawm.

Koj puas paub? Ntawm 30 hom kev sib tw uas muaj nyob hauv cov qus, tsuas plaub yog siv hauv kab lis kev cai.

Kev saib xyuas ntawm kev nkag mus

Tom qab sprouting sprouts thiab cov tsos ntawm 2-3 nplooj rau lawv, koj tsis tau npog lub seedlings nrog iav, tab sis tsis txhob tshem lub ntim los ntawm yav dhau los qhov chaw. Rau ntxiv kev loj hlob ntawm cov tua yog tseem ceeb tshav kub thiab noo noo. Nco ntsoov tias lub ntiaj teb com tsis qhuav tawm.

Cog seedlings nyob rau hauv qhib hauv av

Clarion seedlings yuav tsum tau transplanted qhib hauv av. thaum ntxov li sai tau. Sprouts thaum muaj hnub nyoog ntxov tsis hnov ​​mob heev li kom ua zoo sib xws. Tab sis tsis txhob hnov ​​qab txog qhov kub ntawm huab cua thiab av. Peb yuav to taub txog txhua yam.

Lub sijhawm zoo

Clarkia yog ib yam kab mob uas tsis muaj zog-resistant, thiab qhov tseeb no yuav tsum muab rau hauv tus account thaum loj hlob seedlings los ntawm cov noob. Sai li sai tau cov av ua kom sov txaus, uas txo cov kab mob kab mob ntawm cov hauv paus hniav, koj tuaj yeem pib hloov qe rau hauv lub paj txaj. Qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau lub sijhawm no yog ob lub lim tiam ntawm lub Plaub Hlis.

Xaiv thiab npaj ntawm qhov chaw rau cog

Qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau ib qho chaw hauv ib lub vaj zaub los yog ib lub vaj paj yog qhov chaw qhuav qhuav uas muaj tshav ntuj, uas tsis muaj dab tsi yuav pov tus duab ntxoov ntxoo. Npaj ua hauj lwm rau ib cheeb tsam tshwj xeeb yog pom zoo pib 14 hnub ua ntej qhov kev hloov kho ntawm seedlings.

Rau no kawg, kom zoo zoo khawb cov av thiab pub nws nrog ib tug sib tov ntawm superphosphate, poov tshuaj sulfate ntawm tus nqi ntawm ib thiab ib nrab tablespoons ib square Meter ntawm av. Peat yuav pab tau - 1 kg yog txaus rau tib cheeb tsam.

Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb rau xyuas cov tshuaj ua kua tshuaj ua ntej cog cov pH, vim hais tias clarinet yuav tsis zam txim rau tej kev yuam ntawd. Nyob rau hauv rooj plaub ntawm oxidized av, sprinkle rau saum txheej nrog dolomite hmoov, thiab thaum alkaline, ncuav nrog citric los yog oxalic acid.

Nws tseem ceeb heev! Hybrids ntawm ntau yam ntau yam yuav tsum tau muab cog tseg los ntawm txhua lwm yam, txij thaum lub clarkey belongs rau tus ntoo khaub lig-pollinated nroj tsuag.

Lub tswvyim ntawm cog seedlings rau ntawm qhov chaw

Nyob rau hauv cov cheeb tsam qhib, seedlings yog cog tsis singly, tab sis tag nrho cov qoob. Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb kom tsis txhob bury hauv paus ntseg tsho thiab kom qhov kev ncua deb ntawm lub stems tsis pub dhau 20-40 cm.

Qhov no yog ua nyob rau hauv thiaj li tsis mus rau thicken lub bushes ntawm grassy annuals, vim hais tias lawv yog nquag muaj zog branching. Cov tub txawg cob qhia kom nruab ib lub pob zeb nyob ze ntawm txhua lub pas dej pas dej - qhov muag pheej loj yuav xav tau kev txhawb nqa.

Clark cultivation by seedless txujci

Yog hais tias rau ib txhia yog vim li cas lub seedling method tsis haum koj, koj muaj peev xwm ua yam uas tsis muaj nws, sowing grain los ncaj qha rau hauv av qhib. Cov neeg cog qoob cog paj nco txog txoj kev zoo ntawm txoj hauv kev ua kom muaj zog thiab noj qab nyob zoo. Tab sis, hmoov tsis, lawv Bloom ntau tom qab tshaj zus los ntawm seedlings. Cia peb los xyuas qhov kev txiav txim thiab cov txheej txheem ntawm kev ua.

Qhov zoo tshaj plaws lub sij hawm rau sowing noob ncaj nraim rau hauv av

Sowing ntawm noob yuav tsum tau npaj rau thawj xyoo caum May, thaum lub ntiaj teb no twb zoo warmed, thiab bypassing lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav kub dauv.

Kev tsis lees paub tias cov nuances no yuav ua rau muaj kev ntxhov siab ntawm qhov tseem qaug zog thiab tuag ntawm qoob loo, zoo li khaum ntawm cov ceg dub thiab lwm yam kab mob, kis kab mob. Yog hais tias huab cua pub, sowing yuav ua tau nyob rau hauv hnub kawg ntawm lub Plaub Hlis.

Nws tseem ceeb heev! Tuab cov qoob loo yuav tsum raug thinning.

Xaiv thiab kev npaj ntawm ib qhov chaw rau cov noob nroj

Thaum cog cov noob nplej rau hauv av, zoo li thaum cog cov qoob loo, kom thiaj li hlob Clarky xyuam xim, nws yog qhov tseem ceeb rau kev saib xyuas ntawm qhov chaw ntawm thaj chaw xaiv ua ntej.

Yuav kom lub paj txaj blooming txawm nyob rau hauv lub caij nplooj ntoos zeeg, cog ib goldenrod, saxifrage, gelenium, chrysanthemums, dahlias, crocuses, monards, rudbeckia, tricyrtis, stems, zinnia, marigolds.

Firstly, nws yuav tsum tau zoo loosened, uas yuav ua rau kom nkag mus rau hauv cov pa dawb ntawm oxygen rau cov hauv paus hniav ntawm cov nyom. Secondly, peb xav tau ib qho substrate uas muaj cov tshuaj tiv thaiv tsis muaj zog. Thiab, peb, peb fertilize cov av nrog peat los yog organic teeb meem, vim hais tias nyob rau hauv xws li tej yam kev mob nws yuav ntau yooj yim dua rau cov nroj tsuag tsim.

Clarkia yog hais txog kev ua txhua txhua xyoo, yog li ntawd, yuav muaj peev xwm hloov txawm nyob rau hauv cov av av nrog tas li cov ntawv. Tab sis cov kev tsis txaus siab no yuav cuam tshuam rau kev siv ntawm kev loj hlob thiab kev cog paj ntawm cov kab lis kev cai.

Sowing noob nyob rau hauv qhib hauv av

Nyob rau hauv qhib cheeb tsam, lub sowing ntawm clariki nplej yog nqa tawm rau hauv grooves tau nyob rau ntawm ib tug deb ntawm 20 cm los ntawm txhua lwm yam. Yog hais tias siab ntau yam yog cog uas tau rub mus txog 60-70 cm, 30 cm yuav tsum tau muab tshem tawm los ntawm cov noob dhau los.

Qhov no yog vim lub fact tias, sai sai, compact bushes yog tsim los ntawm me me sprouts. Nyob rau hauv tus neeg mob ntawm non-kev pom zoo ntawm cov kev sib raug ntawm cov kev sib tw ntawm cov nroj tsuag, cov hnub nyoog tua yuav tsum tau thinned tawm kom lawv tsis tig mus rau hauv ib txoj xov.

Koj puas paub? Txhais los ntawm Latin lo lus "clarke" txhais tau hais tias "farewell rau lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav."

Kev kho mob thiab cultivation ntawm clariki nyob rau hauv lub vaj teb

Ntxiv cultivation ntawm no txaus nyiam nroj tsuag tsis txawv nyob rau hauv kev saib xyuas ntawm txawm lub noob los yog seedling txoj kev. Lub paj yog ib qho tseem ceeb timely watering thiab fertilizer, tsim ntawm crown, disinfection los ntawm cov kab mob thiab cov pests. Yuav ua li cas thiab thaum twg ua tag nrho cov no, xav txog tom ntej.

Koj puas paub? Cov neeg European yog tshuav ntawm Clarkia rau lawv cov tebchaws rau William Clarke, leej twg, thaum lub sij hawm raug tshawb fawb nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm North America, tau pom ib hom tshiab ntawm cov nroj tsuag nroj tsuag thiab, ua tus thawj tswj hwm ntawm Missouri, nws muab cov paj zoo nkauj ua khoom plig rau lub Koom Txoos. Ntawm chav kawm, kab lis kev cai yog npe tom qab nws discoverer.

Yuav ua li cas dej tsob nroj

Noo noo meej rau cov av pom zoo moderately raws li ziab ntawm txheej txheej ntawm lub ntiaj teb. Nyob rau hauv tsis muaj cov ntaub ntawv nws yuav tsum tau tso cai rau qhuav thiab remoisten.

Qhov tseeb yog tias ib qho ntawm ntau heev ntawm noo noo yuav tam sim ntawd ua rau kev loj hlob ntawm paus rot, thiab ib tug tsis muaj dej nyob rau hauv lub substrate yuav ua rau tuag ntawm keeb kwm.

Yog li ntawd, thaum watering cov paj yog ib qho tseem ceeb ntawm kev nkag siab. Yog tias lub caij ntuj sov no ua rau mob hnyav, tus txiv neej tuaj yeem ua rau txhua tus tsis tuaj yeem mob siab.

Nyob rau hauv qhuav kub huab cua, ib ob peb sprinkles ib lub lim tiam yog txaus, uas zoo tshaj plaws ua nyob rau hauv thaum sawv ntxov los yog yav tsaus ntuj. Tsis tas li ntawd, zus bushes tsis tas yuav tas mus li moistening ntawm huab cua. Kev nplig siab rau lawv yuav muab lub hnub thiab qhov chaw.

Nws tseem ceeb heev! Tsis txhob overdo nws nrog deb ntawm stems ntawm nroj tsuag thaum lub sij hawm cog, lwm yam paj vaj yuav ci me ntsis balding me ntsis. Clarkia zoo nkaus li zoo kawg nkaus, yog li qhov kev sib luag rau nws yog 15-20 cm.

Yuav ua li cas coj tus hnav khaub ncaws

Fertilizer cog yog nqa tawm ob zaug ib hlis. Rau lub hom phiaj no, yuav cov khoom ntxhua thiab cov chiv ua rau cov nroj tsuag tuaj yeem siv. Lawv yog cov yooj yim mus siv thiab tsis ua mob qhov muv. Ib txhia gardeners yog hloov siv 1:15 nqaij qaib manure daws. Lub cuab yeej zoo heev nyob rau hauv thawj theem ntawm biomass kev loj hlob nyob rau hauv lub bushes.

Yuav ua li cas mus ntev lub flowering lub sij hawm

Peduncles tshwm nyob rau ntawm stems ntawm kab lis kev cai nyob rau thaum xaus ntawm lub Tsib Hlis (nyob rau hauv cov ntaub ntawv ntawm ib tug seedling method) thiab nyob rau hauv thaum pib ntawm Lub Xya hli ntuj. Lub flowering kav kom txog thaum pib ntawm Autumn, tab sis txhua tus gardener xav nws txaj kom ntev li ntev tau mus thov lub qhov muag nrog colour buds.

Muaj tseeb, tsis yog txhua tus paub tias yuav ua licas. Lub secrets ntawm extending lub neej ntawm cov paj, qhia rau peb paj cog qoob loo, nyob rau hauv uas tus clarkey yog xyaum tsis muab tau los ntawm lub farmsteads.

Thawj qhov koj yuav tsum tau ua rau tillering sprouts. Ua li no, on 10-cm seedlings maj mam pinch tawm sab saum toj. Qhov kev ua kom yuam kev no yuav tsim kom muaj qhov sai tsim cov buds hauv copious cov nqi.

Tsis tas li ntawd, thaum lub paj tshwm, nws yuav tsum tau tshem tawm qhuav-qhuav qhuav buds thiab ovaries. Tom qab xws li manipulations, txhua tus nroj tsuag pib mus rau loj hlob loj hlob paj stalks.

Koj puas paub? Nrog rau qhov hloov ntawm cov dej, cov paj ntawm ib lub tsho muaj peev xwm sawv ntsug hauv daim ntawv ntawm ib lub paj rau ntau tshaj ob lub lim tiam.

Yuav ua li cas nrog pests thiab kab mob

Txaus siab rau cov tsiaj nyob hauv koj lub vaj teb, tsis txhob hnov ​​qab saib nws tej nplaim teeb rau kab teeb meem thiab kab mob.

Piv txwv, grayish me ntsis nrog dub sawv on foliage los yog whitish pubescence nyob rau hauv daim ntawv ntawm Bloom thiab xim av me ntsis rau ntawm stems qhia cov tsos ntawm fungal kab mob.

Koj yuav tsum tau tua lawv nrog kev pab los ntawm fungicides. Cov tshuaj lom neeg "Trichodermin", "Hamair", "Alirin-B", "Fitosporin-M", thiab fungicides "Abiga-Peak" tau pov thawj lawv tus kheej zoo.

Raws li kev tiv thaiv kev ntsuas, kev kho mob nrog rau yeeb tshuaj "Ntsuab xab npum" yog pom zoo. Yuav tsis muaj kev tu dej ntau dhau, vim tias cov kab lis kev cai yog cov uas muaj kev tiv thaiv rau ntau hom kab mob thiab tawm tsam kab tsuag. Cov teeb meem zoo li no tuaj yeem tshwm ntsej muag tshwj tsis yog thaum muaj qhov tsis zoo ntawm agrotechnology ntawm paj.

Ntawm cov kab mob cab, Clarky bushes yog feem ntau khib los ntawm ib lub vaj teb ntoo flea. Nws tsos yog manifested los ntawm retarded kev loj hlob ntawm cov tub ntxhais hluas seedlings. Insecticides yuav pab txuag lawv: "Aktara", "Fufanon", "Bi-58", "Karbofos".

Thaum sau thiab yuav ua li cas cia cov noob

Thaum tshem tag nrho faded inflorescences, nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb los mus txiav txim lub peduncles uas yuav sab laug rau noob ripening. Cov nplej tshwm sim tam sim tom qab pollination ntawm lub zes qe menyuam. Outwardly, cov no yog cov me me xim av muab zais rau hauv cov thawv me me. Nyob rau hauv 1 g fits ntau tshaj 3 txhiab noob.

Lawv maturation tshwm sim nyob rau hauv ib lub hlis. To taub hais tias nws yog lub sij hawm mus rau sau lub grain, koj ua tau rau xim av ntxoov ntxoo ntawm thawv noob. Koj tuaj yeem khaws cov noob tsis pub tshaj plaub xyoos. Tom qab lub sijhawm no, cov nplej poob lawv lub peev xwm loj tuaj.

Nws tseem ceeb heev! Thaum tag nrho cov buds on lub clarke ottsvetut, koj yuav tsum tau txiav lub stalks ntawm Bush ntawm cov heev av. Qhov no yog ua kom txuag tau lub paj txaj ntawm uesthetic qub bushes thiab tiv thaiv tus kheej-seeding. Qhov chaw nyob qhov twg cov kab lis kev cai loj hlob, yuav tsum tob tob li.

Kev sib xyaw nrog lwm cov nroj tsuag

Yog hais tias koj tau ua txhua yam muaj cai thiab cov qoob loo tsis tshua muaj ntau, cov ntshiab yuav tsis tu koj. Feem ntau, feem ntau yog cog ntawm cov nroj tsuag los yog ze ntawm lub laj kab. Cov paj no pom thawj cov ntaub ntawv nrog phloxes, asters, roses thiab txawm tias muaj cov qoob loo.

Yog hais tias koj tsis npaj kom sau cov noob, koj tuaj yeem ua ke ntau hom thiab xim ntawm buds. Nws tag nrho yog nyob ntawm koj lub tswv yim thiab kev xav. Tsim koj tus kheej thiab lwm tus hauv kev lom zem!